An update from our April filing.
Campaign report JD Jordan Campaign report JD Jordan

An update from our April filing.

Georgia’s State Ethics Commission requires candidates and incumbents to report all contributions, expenditures, loans, and investments on a rolling basis. And in election years these filings are required at the ends of January, April, June, and September.

So, let’s take a look at what our April filings can tell us about how the two campaigns compare:

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An update from our January filing.
Campaign report JD Jordan Campaign report JD Jordan

An update from our January filing.

As a first-time candidate, this whole campaign and election process is new—from meetings at IHOPs and living rooms across the district to the legal reporting that keeps data-entry game fresh. But with almost all of our fundraising to-date consolidated into a few weeks at the end of January, we’re thrilled to report our campaign received 88 financial contributions—82% of which came from in-state donors!

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Open communication is a cornerstone of good representation—and something sadly lacking in many Georgia senate districts, including the 56. I pledge to respond to everyone who reaches out. So email, text, or call me anytime at:

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